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Reality check

A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom

“Expectations are the basis of guilt and shame and judgment and they provide the essential framework that promotes performance as the basis for identity and value. People try to control behaviour largely through expectations” – from the book “The Shack”

Either consciously or unconsciously we put expectation in every relationship and everything we do. If we met them; fantastic! We are at the top of the world. But what if we don’t? Then we crash……and anger, guilt and disappointment show up.

I don’t like this scenario. I suggest a different one.

Instead of putting expectation (which would be limited by our narrow mind); we open to the infinite possibilities that can manifest. Because if we trust that we are at the right place at the time, then failure is not an option and undesired results become only experiences we need to go through to learn and improve. Off course a side effect of that approach would be a suffering free life……but who wants that?

A We2 bit about Gabriela Embon

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A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom