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Lovely story……about productivity and efficiency

A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom
Two men are chopping wood in the forest. The first one works 12 hours nonstop. The second man works for 6 hours.

At the end of the day, the first man says to the other one “I don’t understand how did you managed to chop twice as much as me; while I worked for 12 hours without any break and you worked only half of that time; how did you do it?” “Well” said the other man, “When I wasn’t chopping I sharpened my ax, ate and rested”.

It feels that adding any words is unnecessary, yet; I can’t resist but say it. HOW MANY TIMES we become the first man? HOW MANY TIMES, we stress and multitask and manage to get another task done in the half an hour free time we had? ….. For your consideration…..with love.

A We2 bit about Gabriela Embon

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A Moment of Reflection with Gabriela Embon - We2 Weekly Wisdom